Jogi Chilling out.

This one is my favorite. Its just too good.

Seems like there was a little problem with scanning with this one, but its still pretty good.

Here is another good one. its a Okhal BTW.

Cool right? And guess what? She is only on 8th grade. Isn't that amazing! I am so proud of her.
The art is indeed praise-worthy. Having learned that the art is performed by an 8th grader, I am truely amazed. I remember trying to sketch a human potrait and end up messing up the lines of eyes and nose.... For me its a true wonder.
I hail the artist. I wish all the best for her future.
Being a 8th grader, she has done a marvelous work.
Great job Sahara!
Keep it up, and most importantly, never let it die on the verge of work/responsibilities/studies. You should keep the dreams alive through out the life :)
Do better in the future, my best wishes.
Great arts Sahara! I am really impressed, to be honest its awesome. I felt that I am seeing arts of one of the professionals, however, never mean to put you down.
Keep it up, and keep on posting your sketches art. We would love seeing your talents on blog.
I wish all the best, and hope we will get opportunities seeing your sketches pics!
I never believed that the sketches give any meaning and I might be impressed from those sketches and any type of drawings, but Sahara, you really turned me ON and assured me from those sketches that I should try to see such sketches and drawings in the future and try to understand the what they are teaching me.
For you Sahara, I would like to pray with the god that you can do much more in the future. Keep it up!
just grate that is the only word i have for this work.
Keep it up.
it's really amazing..great job!! Keep it up!!
Your observation of light and shade is good, Sahara. And I'm impressed with the perspectives of your works. With a little more practice, you could excel. You are talented, keep up the good work!! :) Would love to see more sketches...
Great work Sahara!
It remined me our Pasupathinath temple surrounding. And it also reminds me my schooling where I was unable to make proper shape of an apple. You have done very well in such a small age.
Keep it up. And we hope, we can see your more progressive work.
Nice work indeed! I do agree, sketches are really awesome. She has done outstanding and professional work in such young age.
She should keep continuing this.
Best of luck, lil sister!
Excellent!!! it seems so professional and yet so lively to expression of seventh stat of consciousness and reveling unmanifast value of source of thought. These are a self sufficient!!! Which are based on truth Knowledge of the Self as universal, rather than the view of the self as a separate individual!!!
Nice work! Keep up the good work!!!
wonderful sketches sahara, keep up the good work and best wishes for your future
Nice work indeed! The 'Jogi' could have been made more proportionate with its form but the fluency is excellent in overall. 'Buda Baje' shows your mastery and way forward. Try various themes. Persevere and you will enrich your life. All the best Sahara!
Great work with lots varities. Chill out and great going. Let the happy face come in BUDHA face after sambidhan sabha.
Waiting for next MashivaRatri to see the Jogi Chilling Out.
Let Jat Bhat be wiped out from the country and the let the Brahmin teach his wisdom to all.
Great going KEep it UP.
I have only one word for this... that is not other than G..R..E..A..T...
It is just amazing...
Sahara...can you teach me sketching?
Its simply the great arts.I am 2 much amazed.I can simply say "Khursani Syano bhaye pani peero hunchha".
These sketches are really great and when i knew she studies in 8th grade,i feel its much great now.Without proper training she comes with such work , its amazing.
It's truly amazing and mesmerizing. These art are done simply giving a professional touch. Being a eight std, she has done a truly good work.
Art is the field where you can express your feelings through these sketches, which provides a "lively" form.
For Sahara, best wishes for your bright future. Anyway, continue the good work and let's hope to see some more innovative ones.
Good Work to see from 8th grade.
Continue your work.. You will become a great artist in the future.
wow... imaginative. Keep it up... sis
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