Apparently today is Shivaratri in Nepal. I knew it was near but hadn't realized that today was the day. When in Nepal, Shivaratri didn't really mean much to me apart from the fact that it would be a holiday. But Now that I am in US, it makes me kind of sad that I am missing it.
We usually used to go to our Mama-ghar (maternal uncle's house :} ) on this festival. My mamaghar is in Chabel, near Pashupati temple. With tens of thousands of worshippers going to Pashupati on that day, the whole road would be jammed with people. The entire road from Gaushala to Chabel would be filled with people either going to Pashupati or coming back from there. So no vehicle could pass that stretch and we had to walk all the way from there. It was fun watching all the people singing and dancing in the street.
One year, I think I was 10 or may be 11 when I went to my mamaghar the day before Shivaratri. I stayed there that night so that I could go to the Pashupatinath temple with my grandma on the next day. My grandma used to go to the temple everyday. Since its unbelievably crowded in the temple in this festival, we made plans to go very early so that we could enter the temple easily . However when my grandma woke me up next day, i was too lazy and told her I would go the next day.
Next day my grandma, her sister (my small grandma as we call her), my uncle and I went to the temple. We left our shoes outside the temples with one of those flower vendors and went inside. We went inside did puja and when we come back, guess what we find out. My shoe was gone. Someone had stolen my shoe from the foot steps of the temple. It was one of those 'fish' sandals and it was new too. I thought that God was punishing me because I was too lazy to come a day earlier on the Shivaratri. I was really sad. My small grandma gave me her shoes and she herself walked bare feet all the way back to home. She is too sweet and too kind.
OK enough with my ramblings...
Happy Shivaratri all of you.